I solemnly swear to never buy a laptop with a realtek WiFi adapter again. Linux kernel doesn't fucking support it.

  • 1
    Never had problems with them...
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    @git-fuckyou what's your WiFi adapter?
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    Also avoid Broadcom like the plague
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    Had the same issue but i found a dkms module for and it works now perfectly
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    @manimax3 well I tried, I can't find a dkms module for rtl8723be
  • 5
    Hardware doesn't support Linux: Fuck hardware!

    Linux doesn't support hardware: Fuck hardware!
  • 1
    @Cyanide well if you see realtek's website, it looks as if it was last updated 15 years ago
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    Fucking RealTek. I have a patched driver that's supposed to fix RealTek's fuckups, but it's still so unbelievably buggy it's basically unusable for anything but email.

    It seriously caches up to 90some seconds' worth of packets before dumping them hilariously out of order. I've gotten 93 second pings to my freaking router before, and the icmp sequence looks bloody random. The more load, the longer and more likely the caching, too, so Streaming is poor at best, and playing online games is just a lost cause.

    I hate RealTek so much.
  • 1
    I had really mixed experiences with RealTek. Some chips are complete shit, some work surprisingly out of the box. But overall they support only few features (e.g. no promiscuous mode). Same goes for Broadcom.
    I can recommend to settle on Intel, Atheros and Ralink as they're usually well supported on Linux and provide many driver features.
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