
USB3.x is such a bitch.
My mouse laggs like hell when I put a USB3-thumbdrive on the same root hub, even if I don't read or write on the drive.

Morons, morons everywhere

  • 2
    Wireless mouse? Ive some encounters with USB C interfering
  • 0
    @Codex404 Yes, wireless. But I don't think it's interference on the wireless signal
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    @Zennoe Yes, pretty sure it's the root hub. But I have so many freakin' problems with USB3, I blame USB3 completely.

    I've had plenty of USB2 device not running properly on USB3 hubs, where putting them into a USB2 hub solved the problems immediatly.

    I've had hardware where USB3 ports didn't work properly with debian, I had to change bios settings for them to run in USB2 mode.

    Either the implementations are buggy as hell or the specification is shitty. But I never had so much problems with USB1 or 2 or USB1.x devices on USB2 ports or vice versa.
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    @Zennoe this.

    It doesn't work for me, so the people who built it must be morons.
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