
Sticking to the man... or facebook sorta.

Using Selenium so I can get all the group feeds in Chronological order rather than Recent Activity... Why the fuck is there still no way to set the default.

Now that I think about the better way is to create a Service app that checks for updates and loads them into a DB and the Client app that just reads from DB. So Updates come from Selenium/Chrome in the backgeround thread while UI doesnt need to lag/wait...

fck... all those Async code for nothing.... (yea i m thinking while i mwriting this... an epihpany moment...)

One thing and the original question is, is there an existing Facebook scraper. OpenGraph doesnt work for Group posts or public events which is what i want the feeds for....

The problem though the AJAX calls for more posts when you scroll down. I am not sure in Selenium how to make the Driver wait for new content in the DOM... rather than just sleeping the Thread for X seconds and checking after.

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    hmm... ok i give up... cant reverse engineer all the content out from the html.... to much ajax....

    But looking at the code and the number of nested divs.... no wonder FB web feels like shit....

    Actually... that reminds me... what if i used the mobile site url...
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    Nevermind... has its own problems...
  • 1
    So much effort spent in more efficiently wasting your time on Facebook 😋
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    @Root yea not worth it... Now I'm learning React Native.... But that's also created by Facebook...
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