
Guess it's time to ditch ProtonMail as well.

Translation: "[Update Google play services.] ProtonMail won't work until you have updated Google Play Services."

I know I'm almost an anti-Google nazi at this point, but ProtonMail was one of the only remaining apps not needing Google to work, and now it's a "sin equa non" condition. I'm very disappointed. Guess I'll have to switch this address to Tutanota or host my own email server.

Edit: why the fuck would my autocorrect capitalize nazi?

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    @Linuxxx I'm curious to see what you think of it. I know I'm maybe being oversensitive, but I want to hear your input on this if you don't mind.
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    @undef The app actually stopped getting emails for me
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    Same for me. Getting mails ofc but no notification 🤔
    Aaand this "message" is a fucking notification which you can't block 😂 Annoying.

    Btw - https://devrant.com/rants/1647000/...

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    @undef Just fetching the emails in any way
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    @Irithyll Fuck Google Play Services
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    Protonmail was never an option for me as it's incompatible with normal email clients.
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    @deadlyRants Only on free plan
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    @undef I have a domain, thanks for the tip
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    @TheOct0 Well, in that case they failed to explain that well enough on their site before I registered an account somewhere else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    In fact I looked again and their website only mentions the mobile & web apps and the difference isn't even mentioned in the advantages of the paid account.
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    @deadlyRants My bad, just looked it up, and it's not the case. Don't know where I read it.
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    As a paid account you're able to store your mails with some of their apps offline, maybe able to export it that way... and that's shit (only for payers)...
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    Tutanota is kinda similar and its available on f-droid! Their newest version is entirely Google free.
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    @linuxxx I have it :)
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