

no version control
90% of changes done directly in production
no standardization for incoming data

... but I still love my job. 💕

  • 7
    oh, so you work in hell?
  • 1
    and dont even say you code in HTML..
  • 6
    Ah the good ol days 😎
    Wait... I still do this for a project
  • 3
    @C0D4 "the old days" nothing good about those practices and I mean nothing.
  • 4
    @Commodore but the rapid response to bug fixes was “ctrl+s” and it was fixed 🤣

    Now it’s Git add /some/file
    Got commit -m “yay a bug fix” /some/file
    Git push origin/develop
    Deploy a Dev Environemnt
    All works?
    No - go back to start
    Deploy a UAT environment
    All works
    Open Pr to Master
    Deploy to Production
  • 1
    Now that I’ve scared you, yes I do enjoy proper workflows rather then just hitting save in prod and praying that in 10 seconds time I don’t hear “it doesn’t work” when you can happily test and break multiple environments prior to delivering the end result knowing that it’s going to work as intended.
  • 1
    @taosif7 some trial by fire, I was born in it.
  • 1
    That plus sphpaghetti sounds like my first job.
  • 0
    That's true love!
  • 1
    What do you work with then, @softban
  • 1
    lion heart workflow found

  • 2
    @C0D4 😂
    Oh but I don't doubt for a second that it's how it went. I also that there's still some dissident thinking that was proper way of doing things ; and well, better squash that rebellion 😋
  • 1
    @Commodore not wrong, although living on the wild site had its pros, it certainly didn’t offer much in the way of stability.
    Getting most of the projects portable and in Git was a god send.

    now I’m just left with some monolithic beasts that for no particular reason don’t like being moved - dbs connection times in the minutes when moved to new hardware 😞
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