
All my friends have girlfriends right now, spending good times and having fun over the weekend.

And here I am trying to figure out how to integrate Jquery UI with React :(

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    @edisonn Damn you're right I should go out.

    The points however I mostly got while I am at work. Because of all the frustrations I get from there.
  • 2
    here are few apps to try:
    badoo ( something like that)
  • 10
    Child: Dad, where did you meet mom?
    Dad: DevRant ...
  • 1
    @xinuxunil yap, this is gonna be my future
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    you're not the only one dude.
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    @edisonn Hahaha that would probably jeopardize developer-developer relationships and bring sorrow and grief to devRant community.
    Nice idea tho
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    JQuery ui is still a thing? Huh, today I learned...
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    @tytho No, not really. I have it in legacy code, which I tried to update, but it only works with jQuery 2.X.
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    @tytho I just gave up. Wrote my own drag and drop list with HTML5. Fuck Jquery UI
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    Add your ui controls on componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate dependent on your situation when your component is finished rendering.


    I don't know how to fix the girlfriend thing.
  • 1
    Join an outdoorsy club to get away from the comp and spend time with others without being a third wheel.

    Rock-climbing worked for me :)
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