
Weekend so far:

Chrome Update FUCKED UP my website.

Tried to update my server to Ubuntu 16.04. That FUCKED UP in the middle and I didn't have any recent backup.

Went back to old backup. But didn't see any changes in the website. Was wondering that for 1 hour.

Forgot that my website was using cloudflare caching. In the meantime I have changed my DNS settings.

Out of frustration removed website from cloudflare. That FUCKED UP the DNS further.

Now I have no idea how long it will take the DNS to update.


  • 13
    this is the first true rant I've seen here.
  • 1
    These kinds of scenarios (been there done that by the way!) are why I'm trying to use immutable artifacts for deployment from now on.
  • 0
    dns updates can take up to 48 hours but usualy take less than 24 hours.
    if it is still fucked up you can add fucking up the dns to the list :P
  • 1
    Wait how could a chrome update fuck up your website
  • 1
    @liammartens tried to find that out from chromium revision but got lazy at the end. It's something related to z-index that has changed. Probably the way chrome handles it.
  • 0
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