
Am i the only person complaining about Android being a fucking irritating load of bloatware, which you cant escape from. I just cant understand how we are being Okay with such a huge bloated OS which doesnt do any justice to the hardware. Views ?

  • 3
    Nokia 6 offers a "no bullshit" Android that also includes updates.
  • 1
    Buy a phone you can compile your own rom to. Android makes it possible.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop that sounds like heaven
    @electrineer also this
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    Well, your only real choices are iOS (iPhone only), Android (apparently bloated) and lineage os (an Android fork)

    Guess you'll loose either way
  • 2
    @JKyll it's pretty good actually, and affordable. Nokia just didn't fuck around with the Android sources and didn't install crapplications. That's also why they can offer updates, because they don't have to merge updates from upstream with their stuff.

    When you think about it, that's crazy, that an advertised product feature is that the manufacturer simply didn't do things.
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    @Fast-Nop I'll look into it, the last Nokia phone I had was forged in the innards of a dying star and it was able to withstand a 50ft fall.
  • 0
    @sergiolarosa89 Wow.. Spot on.. My phone is an ASUS from 2016. Why,? is it famous for bloatware ? It has instagram preinstalled and not removable..
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    @Krokoklemme That is why it is irritating. iOS is not an option for me.. I hate their business model..
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