
Recovering a legacy Gmail account after receiving a notice of a blocked login.

*Tries to remember the bloody password*
*Actually remembers it*

> Sorry your password isn't enough. Your father's phone number that you used a decade ago can be used for verification though!

Google, let's get this straight. Things have changed. I know the fucking phone number and yes I can enter it, and out of sheer stupidity I did send an authentication code his way. Unfortunately however, things have changed in 10 years. I can instantly kill the fucker on the spot if I were to meet him ever again. Do you think that I'm going to get that fucking code?!

> Oh but you can try to email the code to the very account that you're trying to recover, despite the fact that you know the password for it.


Must've taken a true genius to code that in!!!

  • 9
    Probably an intern who coded that :D
  • 3
    @Phlisg does google take interns?
  • 3
    @mngr probably :D
  • 4
    Godaddy email does this, too.
    It's hilarious.
  • 7
    Time to say.. Hey dad, long time
  • 3
    @CoffeeNcode There comes a point where you just give up and laugh at ridiculousness of the situation.
  • 1
    Eh... You don't talk to your very own father??!!
  • 1
    It does make sense though. Imagine if 10 years ago younger you set up a Gmail account t with a really bad password, used it to register to a bunch of services, maybe some not very secure, and then your password gets breached or something and people have access to a lot of things you already forgot about

    But most people don't even have the same phone number for 10 years...
  • 6
    @gitlog a lot happened over time.. the guy's a giant douchebag.
  • 0
    @Condor I guess you'll get to understand each other once you sit together and talk

    Parents are next to God bud
    Edit; typo
  • 7
    @gitlog too much has happened for that. The bastard has done unimaginable amounts of treachery to our family. He is in no way to be called a valid member of the De Roover family anymore. He's a filthy thief.. kind of a fitting trait for the name actually, hence why I despise the family name so much. I'm Condor, not Michael De Roover. Fuck family.

    Just for an added case in point. My grandfather recently died. He was my father's father. Back when my grandfather was still alive, and he was still healthy, my father couldn't care less. But when he was about to die, my despicable father siphoned a full warrant to control all of my grandfather's wealth out of him, through several visits. The bastard inherited about 100k euros, and if that wasn't enough, he even siphoned out the life insurance that was granted to the grandchildren, about 500 euros each. That wasn't his. That bastard is a filthy leech. He's fucking swimming in money (and countless poor investments), and like a parasite ever leeching for more. The bastard is fucking despicable.

    You may say that it's a blood bond, and I should unconditionally like him. Well I could kill him despite that fucking blood bond.
  • 2
    @Condor I feel you.
    And I'm sorry for you and whatever I said previously
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