
should i know math for learn ai?

  • 13
    If you know how "if/else" work you're 95% ready 😂
  • 4
    No. Unless you're planning on designing a new ML algorithm
  • 6
    You should always know some math for working in ML, but the level to which you need really depends on how deep you want to go.
  • 2
    Well, knowing Algebra would help
  • 2
    @MrCSharp Don' agree, same thought as @irene
  • 2
    Matrices too. Vectorized implementaions scale better for large datasets.
  • 2
    @irene Of course. In this case, however, I'd encourage the OP to learn more about Feature Engineering first and then if OP wants to get into specifics of designing new ML algorithms, that's when more knowledge in Maths would be necessary.
  • 2
    If you can handle some calculations on a graph, that would be a plus. It helps getting the head around some concepts.
    However if you use some good online lecture, like googles ml quickstart, everything you need to know about is pretty much explained in plain English
  • 4
    If you'll be using someone else's algos, probably not much math needed.

    If you want to try your hand at making one, you'll need linear algebra and multivariable calculus to make the most basic implementation.
  • 2
    Knowing maths always helps. And as far as I've noticed, programmers were rarely hired by scientists to write simulation codes because programmers don't know enough maths in general.
  • 1
    You should know linear algebra, obviously. And also partial differentials in order to understand why backpropagation across several layers is so slow.
  • 1
    I barely know anything about math but I did some machine learning using NEAT.
    It's recommended tho
  • 1
    Algebra, Matrices, Calculus.. you must be good in atleast these three topics
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