Just got a free Raspberry Pi 3 B+ when I bought another. So I have one without a purpose. Any cool ideias?

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    @irene nah I would rather use it for some useless but fun project
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    Code a small webapp you can use to play music, check the temperature and stuff.
    Always fun.
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    Smart mirror?
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    Here's a simple challenge:

    Use Linux on one, Windows IoT core on the other and make them both communicate. Any protocol and networking or non-networking method is acceptable.

    Use one of your favorite languages on one and some other languages you are interested in on the other.
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    Make them communicate with each other
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    make them play chess with each other
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    If you find a thing please post it. I am looking for a fun raspberry project, too. But everything i can find is either not fun or it is too low for using an raspberry.. I mean temperature measuring and such stuff.. There is no need to use raspberry. A raspberry is laughing about such things. Any 2€ esp8266 or even arduino can do it with only a fraction of power usage (... I hope my bad english is good enough that someone can understand this sentence :D)..
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    Use the relays and sync your Christmas lights to music
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    make them go to random domains and index/scan all their content and find the most common word on all the the web.
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    @miguel91 How did you get one for free though 🤔
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    Attach it to your TV and have some streaming or video service (youtube.com/tv maybe) run on it
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    @drekhi12 the store I bought it from had a sale
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    Make a Pi.hole and connect it to your network, then Watercool it.
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