
Never Smoked Cigarette.
Never Smoked Pot.
Never Did Joint
Still got hospitlised for "Breathing And Respiratory diseases".

  • 13
    Living in a city with filthy air can also f you up
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    I like how pot and joint are somehow two different things that need their own lines.
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    @irene @JKyll I live in the 2nd most cleanest city of my country
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    DUDE SAME, I smoked like 4-5 times pot at most 6 years ago, but still got hospitalized about 4 months ago because I had a pneumothorax and I still have breathing issues since, some of my friends smoke like a cigarette pack a day and have no breathing issues. Life is unfair lmao
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    Now go do all of those things that you have not done
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    @irene yeah but smoking increases the chances of have breathing issues
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    @irene u tell me how else you get hospitalised for breathing problems and shit.
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    @MrQuaker seriously, all of my friends are doing all sorts of shit, smoking, drugs and some hookah too. They are all fine 😑
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    @irene you guessed it right, it was an infection of pneumonia, I wonder how i got that?
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    @MrQuaker thnx m8, score 1 for us.
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    @faptain @irene still smoking INCREASE the chances of getting lung diseases, he's not saying that it's not possible
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    @irene exactly, who are arguing against?
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    Genes can also be cause it all goes down to the genes, those stuff can only damage your health further more
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    @echonox man, that's scaring me.
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    @irene I had that a month ago. My chest felt like it was going to explode :-)
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    @irene I had two in a bit over a year, I hope I don’t beat you
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    Death doesn’t look at your life resume when it knocks to your door, it just doing it’s job so take your life and do what you want without regret or you will kill yourself by those regrets.

    Your auto immune system can decide it doesn’t want this body anymore in any second of your time.

    So just keep calm and chill.
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    @thighbaugh I burned coal 18 years of my life to get warm cause this or froze to death during winter. I got out from that place but there are places in my country where people can’t write or sign a paper and I bet there are in yours too.

    Live a life man, don’t regret or it would kill you faster then you think.
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    Wtf, everyone is complaining bout the fact that there could be multiple reasons for a disease? Feel sorry for u man, but u know life is a bitch. It doesnt matter what u do, in the end she fucks u anyway.
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    I always find it funny how some people are like "oh no I don't smoke, only a joint now and then".

    I'm sorry but that's still inhaling smoke... which.... is smoking.
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    @linuxxx Did I say that I never smoked? I jokingly said that life is unfair because my friends smoke like chimney and I'm the one with lung problems lmao.
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    @MrQuaker Nono not towards you, your rant just reminded me of this haha
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    Dont breath. That way you could probably sell your lunges, then maybe you will have enough money for oracle db enterprise edition. Win win
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    @linuxxx Yeah man, intellectuals vape their weed. Makes ur brian bigger.
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    Living in an urban area you're essentially breathing diluted car exhausts and other industrial pollutant gases 24/7 without noticing, the damage accumulates in your body.
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    @ihatecomputers I don't have any brian
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    Vape it harder, make it better
    Do it faster, makes brian larger
    More than ever, hour after hour
    Work is never over

    Daft Punk - Just Vape It
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