- Install Overwatch via Lutris on Linux.
- Get absolutely terrible performance and rendering bugs.
- Disable DXVK.
- Get slightly better performance (wtf?).
- Still runs at like 20% of potential performance.
- Give up and try to install Windows.
- Windows install fails.

Aaand so I spent my weekend configuring shit instead of relaxing/gaming. Ugh.

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    I ran the lutris script and got 60fps 4k att ultra. Sure you got all dependencies right?
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    @alvarlagerlof I think so, checked that multiple times. Oh well, I'll keep at it. Maybe it's because I'm using a Raven Ridge APU, the drivers are still a bit flaky.
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    The latest dxvk (0.93) fixes the render problems!
    Just change your dxvk version
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    Any good?
    Is the community as toxic as LoL?
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    @Root it's decent. Community isn't very toxic, you have the occasional annoying teammate but yeah. Also great if you have a bunch of friends to play with. I haven't reached the higher levels or competitive play though.

    Let me know if you're joining and want a team to play with, we usually play on the American servers because for some reason we get better ping on those than on the Asian ones.
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    @RememberMe I never wanted to spend $60 on it.
    I might at some point but idk.

    If I do I'll definitely reach out 😊
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    @Root sure.

    it's not 60 anymore, it's 30 or something
    And in sales it goes down to $15. I got it in the recent sale. I'll let you know when it goes on sale again.
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