>trying to convince your 10-year-old brother that minecraft will run faster if he installs linux

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    install optifine
  • 6
    Why lie to your brother?
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    The only thing that matters isnt if minecraft is going to be faster but if you can install custom launchers with auto pack/mod managers.
    Twitch app, atlauncher, ftblauncher(moved to curse that became twitch so... might be obsolete), ect...
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    He's got a ton of viruses and browser-extensions and Windows XP. Even without cool-windows-gpu-drivers it will run faster.
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    that's mean 😃
  • 4
    Lol what??!!
    I've tried it myself, it runs faster indeed on Linux.
    At least if you have proper gpu-drivers installed.
    On my old laptop, I couldn't even play MC with DireWolf20 under Windows.
    On linux, it ran with stable 30 fps.
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    @irene ...
    Im sure not all of them are avalible in ".jar". Some of them only manage your packs so they still have to launch the original launcher. (Twitch does it, atlauncher works like a replacement to default launcher and i dont remember how the ftb worked...)
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    default launcher -> pain to install mods and packs -> works everywhere

    atlauncher -> easy pack managment -> replaces your lancher and is cross platform

    Twitch -> fucking bad app, but necessary to play some new skyfactory3 maps due to ftblauncher change (as i said, ftblauncher abandoned, moved to curse and then fucking twitch bought it) -> opens original launcher after pack managment BUT twitch itself might be win only

    My only consern is about launchers that dont run on linux like twitch or atlaucher if it didnt have a .jar version

    (Those are launchers i currently use)
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    @Gregozor2121 AT launcher is pretty good, you don't need ftb! Also, from what you've said in the last post, if I didn't read the whole post it looked like you were supporting the choice of using Linux 😂
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    @metamourge ok Ill take that back, I meant to say dont state a single experience as fact, Ive heard many responses of people stating its way slower, and also was my experience.
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    @Codex404 that would be because JVM classes Linux as a server os and does some more optimisation so it takes longer to start
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    @Codex404 take a second experience from me: mc runs locked at 60fps on amdgpu drivers, when using amds proprietary drivers it runs as fast as on windows. But that's only my experience 💁 I know that with java you can't say "runs on this machine, so it will run on the next machine with the same specs exactly the same"
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    @irene well probably not as the usual "gamer" only has a 60Hz display. Normal people will be fine with 60fps. I play CS without fps lock and you can feel the difference between 60fps and 300fps, even though you cant (theoretically) see any difference. But what matters is the input delay. While you have 16ms reaction/render time at 60fps, you get an about 3ms reaction/render time at 300fps. And you can feel the difference. It just doesn't feel as locked.

    If you've never played at way over 60fps you won't care I guess 💁
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    Poor fella!.
  • 3
    @irene if you have framedrops at 60fps you can notice it. When you have framedrops at 300fps (what I have in minecraft on average) and I suddenly get a drop to 100 fps you dont notice it.
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    @irene at that point you're right. But I'm used to low reaction times. But I'm kinda special anyways I guess. I'm never satisfied with anything 😬
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    Nope. Im on win and i dont like the complxity of win. I recomend win for playing mc. (because of complexity and win only launchers)

    Yes i know ftb is obsolete -> because all of its newest packs went to twitch, i hate twitch but it is the only launcher with modern skyblock 3 😥 . Atlauncher is the best but it dosent have every pack that i play...
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