
Jack please stay away

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    Is that elixir?

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    Whisky from a plastic glass... ugh
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    Old coke in a new bottle.
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    @irene to the novice, perhaps. 😅
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    @irene it's not that bad.
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    dammit jack, always setting up emergency meetings
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    No bring Jack closer... But I agree with @Irene on this one, drink Johnny Walker, now that's the good shit
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    Good for you, I also do DDD.
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    @irene is russian the same as slav?
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    sed s/Jack/Jägermeister/
    Now we're talking.
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    @wowotek not really
    for example Slovaks, Czechs, Polish, Ukrainians, Russians... - all these people are Slavs but saying that for example saying Slovaks is the same as saying Slavs would be like if you said that saying a cupboard is the same as saying furniture made of wood.

    (sorry to all other nations I did not list, you are just as important as everyone else but I did not need to list all Slavic nations to get my point across)
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    Jack. Proud plebian's whiskey since 1956.
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    Are you making a dungeon crawler?
    Tag me when you're finished plz.
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    Jack makes for a horrible coding partner, though. I prefer TX whiskey, or if I'm pining for the taste of a peat bog after a bog fire, Laphroaig.
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    What a disgrace to Jack we have here, no glass cup or ice 🤭
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    @StefanGliga yup will most def give u tag
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    Drinking while coding? C mon... you
    must really like debugging that drunken code afterwards 😅

    Leave the whisky for later, when you relax, perhaps playing some Red Dead Redemption 2... Also, switch to Maker’s Mark... as far as Kentucky liquor goes it’s better than Jack. Cheers!
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