
Alright people could do with some help here!

Got a friend who is interested in learning how to code but I can't think of anything to point him in the right direction, he wants to learn it just so he has something to keep his mind active and give him something he can sit and spend time on...

Anyone know of anyone tutorials/articles/anything that could point him in the right direction?

  • 2
    There are some websites he can try and check out. Codeacademy has nice beginner courses on how a language works, data structures and functions; then theres stuff such as Codingame or HackerRang that have more of "real" tasks and are less tutorial-ly.
  • 1
    Codecademy is how I learnt to code. It's a wonderful site to learn how to code. Then there's other sites like codechef, hackerrank, hackerrank etc that have plenty of programming questions to make you better at building solutions to problems, you can literally get lost in them if you have enough time.
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