
Here it is, markdown supports, I've read a couple of rants requesting it and decided give it a try, more syntax will be supported later


  • 19
    Great job.

    Guess those of us mainly using mobile app will see lots of *, _ and # 😆
  • 5
    @cursee hope you guys don't mind

    @dfox is this allowed?
  • 12
    Cool plugin! I hope this is never implemented in the native app!

    I would fucking hate to see every meme captioned with the largest, bold, italic, underlined header.
  • 3
  • 3
    @devTea I think the only concern mentioned was possibly abusing the H1. Other than that, I'm for at least partial markdown support -- italics, bold, and code lines/blocks (especially that last part).
  • 5
    @NeedsMoreDivs well if I'm hearing a lot of complains then I'll remove the h1, and by lines/blocks you mean something like code of blocks? I'll work on that later
  • 4
    @devTea if it has @dfox's blessing, I'm sure it'll be alright, with or without the headings. I suppose we can always report abuse as needed.
  • 1
    Great job @devTea
  • 1
    stopppp ur making me fall
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    One good thing about devRant is that many community guidelines are forced via community feedback. Miscategories and reposts are already controlled this way. It would be the same with abusing styles, I hope. Just if we could reach to an unanimous definition of 'abuse'.
  • 2
    @beleg this is client-side process, so you can't really report anyone using this extension, if you guys annoyed with markdown abuse on rant feeds, then I can disable it
  • 1
    @devTea I Know right 😅 I meant in case dfox were to implement something like this in the native app.
    BTW he's not around for a while, guess he's pretty busy.
  • 2
  • 2
    @devTea nah. Am cool with seeing #,*,_ . If I get sick of seeing them I can't call myself a programmer 🤫

    # hello
    # world
    # huehuehue
    is not so bad to read for me 😏 not sure about you 😛

    So yes, minimal markdown functionality like in discord is probably better for your script users. bold, italic, strike out, underline, a line of code, block of code.

    If not they will be the one suffering the potential abuse.
  • 3
    @cursee what's the difference between line of code and a block of code?

    Edit: nvm i figured it out

    @irene @NeedsMoreDivs I'll push a new version without headings
  • 3
    I kinda hope this doesn't take off because I can see it ending up like the tapatalk situation where a lot of forums break or have missing functionalities if you aren't using arbitrary third party app and plugin, and you end up with a bunch of tunnel vision users who post crap that looks like crap to anyone without the app or plugin regardless of whether it's supported or not. It's a nice idea (in limited scope as mentioned above, eg no header tags) but I would want this in the official product or not at all.
  • 1
    @nathanchere yeah I removed the headers syntax, and working on basic functionality now
  • 1
    Yes! ❤️ Thought about doing this, but since I couldn't come up with a way to overrule the app it didn't feel worth it. This is great though :)
  • 2
    @nathanchere If anything, perhaps it evolves into an official feature. Afaik is the development here isn't dead :)
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded I was hoping, but I won't hope too much ;)
  • 2
    @devTea Are you open for PRs?
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    Till it **happens** in the app, I'm going to use it for *forward compatibility*.
  • 1
    I am not sure how Devrant is built, for one of my react project, I used https://github.com/rexxars/...

    So it renders all markdown syntax into HTML components. So works well on both desktop and mobiles. However, need to do extra validations to prevent malicious attempts as it renders all HTML components.
  • 1
    Does it *need* to be TamperMonkey? I am using the Falkon Browser, and GreaseMonkey is all I get. :-(
  • 1
    @pokerface what kind of malicious attempts?

    @Yamakuzure I’ll look into that later

    I just want to practice some regex, and this one has been kinda fun to work with
  • 9
    I think this is neat as an exercise, and cool that you made it. But, I don’t think it could really work in practice and any client that doesn’t have the script will see posts that look malformatted.

    Beyond that, and as has been expressed a few times already in the comments here, it’s really not clear that even a majority of the devRant community would like this kind of formatting, which is kind of why we haven’t added it. Of course though were always open to more feedback on it.
  • 2
    @dfox Well, if such formatting would be supported natively, users could decide if they used it or not... Currently there is no choice, but to use 3rd party scripts, which leaves users who do not have it without a choice again. 🤔 ...tricky...
  • 1
    @Yamakuzure greasemonkey can use it, I've tested it, I will update it on the desc later
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