Alright! JS Devs... make a noise!

  • 4
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  • 4
    Make noise ok

    Then then then carch then catch async await async async await then then catch try async await catche then then catch then catch async await then catch try catch then catch asymc await Then then then carch then catch async await async async await then then catch try async await catche then then catch then catch async await then catch try catch then catch asymc awaitThen then then carch then catch async await async async await then then catch try async await catche then then catch then catch async await then catch try catch then catch asymc awaitThen then then carch then catch async await async async await then then catch try async await catche then then catch then catch async await then catch try catch then catch asymc await
  • 1
    comment.then(() => console.log(noise))
  • 1
    Type Noise {}
  • 0
    Did not know you could hate as well as love a thing until i found JS ;-;
  • 0
    The process takes far too much cpu and ram in my brain compared to other languages. Even learning polish takes up less mental resources.
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