
What do you think about this news?

  • 4
    I can only think of moving overlays based on scroll position now.
  • 41
    Looks like CSS is becoming a viable alternative to JS...
    ... for making websites slow.
  • 32
  • 6
    for function in python:
  • 5

    [copy(func) for func in python.std]
  • 17
    @noobrants yes because only python has mathematical functions
  • 3
    @Nicci no, no let's not give them the benefit of the doubt about knowing this can be efficient. Pseudo code is far more appropriate.
  • 2
    @ganjaman I didn't say that, but these suggestions for CSS look really pythonic in form, no? Plus, use python most of the time so I'm not trying to speak for any perspective but my own
  • 8
    The sooner we get away from needing post-processors that rely on the bloat that is node and npm the better.
  • 6
    @Brolls I just wish css can fo parent selectors and style select elements
  • 1
    BrowserC, BrowserPython when
  • 6
    @noobrants these are pretty standard names for maths functions and most trace their heritage from C's standard maths library.

    (If C's library is derived from something else, probably is, I wouldn't know, that's about as far as my knowledge goes)
  • 4
    Everyone: we need float center
    CSS WG: here some math functions for you
  • 1
    @Nicci the array allocation is killing the performance if you were to write this in julia
  • 5
    Calc is there for quite some time and is actually usfull. The others I can imagine to be usefull for transitions/animations.

    @frickerg it's actually in the block/layout specification but not implemented by browsers yet. (Not a center float, as that wouldn't make any sense, but the align/justify properties that flexbox and grid has are specified also for block, inline-block and inline elements...
  • 3
    @RememberMe that's fair enough, I'm not saying Python's the only language with math functions, just that the list above reminds me of python's math functions.
  • 2
    @Nicci @noobrants map(copy, python.std)
  • 2
    What a bunch of arse
  • 1
    Its interesting... these functions will make a lot of fancy animations and effects easy to build. That said, there are so many choices that already offer the things I would build with this.
  • 1
    @devTea parent selectors is the stuff of dreams
  • 0
    @mundo03 now I’m afraid that parent selector will create more spaghetti code. Depends on the dev I guess, there is time where I need to use it like twice a year maybe
  • 1
    @devTea I need it for adblocking :D
    ABP sintax on ABP has some pseudo selectors like if :has() but it is still not to find parents
  • 1
    Looks like CSS is becoming a viable alternative to JS...
    ... for me to poop on.
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