What's the most number of lines you have written for a project without testing and then had it run the first time? Also for context, what language did you use?

Feeling pretty good with my 200+ in C#.

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    I usually code in C/C++, and can't write more than 100 without an error during compile time/runtime.
    My best streak was 2500+ in VisualBasic. Man, that language is so damn ez..
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    A pacman like clone, not sure how many lines, but after I had a window I stopped testing until I made movement, picking up dots etc. Only had to had ghosts in afterwards.
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    Python, around 400+ lines. Luckily I got just few warnings from flake8 about style but otherwise worked first try 😎
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    About 6.000 in Visual C++ utilizing com32. It wasn't possible to really test before that...
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    10 000 lines php code, had no internet and no local development enviroment. Just nano and the cli.

    Had no internet, to that time i always developed directly on my server connected via ssh.

    It just ran fine and i was so proud of myself.
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