Java 12 is here.

Why so many releases now.

It was good earlier, years taken for next release.

Atleast we could update our resumes properly.

  • 0
    @EaZyCode Java 9 modules.
  • 6
    They started agile development.
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    @EaZyCode if you don't need it then don't use it. You can use Java 12 without using modules.
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    I think I read somewhere that they changed it to a half year cycle to make new features available faster. Previously you had to wait for years.
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    Their new approach is a pain, they should have at least make it every year or so and not every 6 months
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    Ther@gitpush agree. Doesnt make sense
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    @hac@SHA-16384 Haha. Typical recruiters.
  • 1
    @SHA-16384 You forgot
    4+ years in Flutter
    15+ years in Android development
    16+ years in iOS development
    and not older than 22 yrs old
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    Earlier the java versions were like GDP of Nepal, Very small and constant.

    Now, they are like prime minister of Nepal, They change too often and we can't even tell which one is the latest.
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    I actually prefer the new release cycle. If we were on the old one, we'd be waiting another year to get a new version with half the new additions of 9-12.
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    I'm all for quick release cycles, but the Java 12 feature set seems utterly pointless.

    The only language change is to do with switch expressions - and even that's a "preview" feature. That's it. No raw string literals. No new APIs. Nothing else whatsoever.

    Shenendoah is the only potential saving grace. But again, that's experimental, so beyond a few hard core devs, most people will neither know nor care about it. Beyond that, there's some minor tweaks to G1, and that's a wrap. All the other features are JVM or internal JDK build stuff, not to do with Java itself.

    It definitely feels like releasing just for the sake of releasing...
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    May I interest you in some Kotlin?
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    To me it feels like they implemented all what kotlin had into Java fast and now just pushing more from other places.
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    @ilikeglue That is what competition results in, yes.
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