
Cadavers? Illegal.
Skeletons? Sure, $6000.

you can just buy a real skeleton for $6k and it's legal in 47 states.

  • 5
    What 3 states don't allow it
  • 3
    @Stuxnet Georgia, New York, Tennessee
  • 17
    i used to study physiotherapy and my best friend for the 1½ year we had anatomy was my skeleton.
    was a bit creepy to have a box of human bones standing around at first, but you get used to it.
    sometimes i would get the skull up and place it on the box and just talk to it.
    i didn't get out much back then...
  • 10
    Probably because a decomposing dead body is a significant biohazard, while a well-preserved skeleton doesn't do much other than sitting around (and waking up from its slumber on Halloween and attempting to conquer the world).
  • 3
    Are these new skeletons, or ones grandfathered in?
  • 5
    I want to make some kind of "right to bare arms" joke here...
  • 1
    @Parzi It's ironic that Tennessee doesn't allow it, yet the University of Tennessee has a plethora of skeletons in an old dorm building where they are/were being studied lol
  • 1
    I believe this is quite common in medical school. Ideally each student/small group would have one and they usually keep it throughout their course.

    A real skeleton would have very fine features where the muscles are attached, etc, which are difficult to find in replicas.
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