TIL Python doesn't really give a fuck about semicolons -.-

So after spending the past couple years almost exclusively using C# and Unity I decided to come back* to Python for no real reason except wanting a change of pace.

I almost ripped my hair out backspacing semicolons I kept putting in out of force of habit after having worked in C# for so long

Well guess what... I just learned (purely by accident)... Python couldn't care less. I feel internal conflict if that makes sense.

TBH now I'm randomly putting in semi-colons at the end of some statements just because I can and I want to abuse this freedom ^_^

Yeah yeah it's not very "pythonic" or pretty but screw that

* I started programming in Python back in high-school but switched over to C# + Unity after graduating and pursuing indie-gamedev.

Note: After some searching I realize you can use semicolons to have multiple statements on the same line but I never really needed to do that during my time with Python so I didn't even remember it was even a thing

  • 5
    I love not using semicolons. Makes me feel free as a bird. Sadly I can't get away with it because the C# compiler will hate you and while JS is forgiving devs will hate you. Can't win. Maybe I should try Python to scratch that no-semicolon itch, hehe.
  • 4
    @ihatecomputers Totally! Python is definitely less busy and tedious without all the curly braces and semicolons everywhere.

    It doesn't like you messing around with it's indents though. But that's not too bad IMO.
  • 0
    @SHA-16384 You know what... I quite like that.
  • 1
    @ihatecomputers JS is not forgiving.
    There are rules to where you can place or not place those shitty ;

    Come to ruby, we have cookies.
  • 1
    I love / hate semicolons depending on my mood that day.
    Then I just lint --fix and let the linter make that final choice that day.
  • 1
    @Teknas Haha who needs to be decisive when you can have computers make decisions for you :D
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