
"Be ready now! We're launching our new product at 0800!"

28 hours later, one registered customer

  • 25
    Did the servers handled that traffic ? I think if you have one more , you need to do some load balancing !
  • 21
    @NameError we have to double our infrastructure to handle the inevitable doubling of the customer base!
  • 6
    @disco i hope you coded with scalability in your mind ... this should be a hard lesson for you !
  • 4
    maybe you didn't advertise your service well?
  • 1
    What's the product?
  • 2
    Remove registration then
  • 7
    Yep sounds about right.
    The way I’ve experienced this in the past is lots of unpaid overtime and managers/clients insisting we can’t launch without feature x.
    Launch date comes around and there’s fuck all users.
    People really need to learn to just chill the fuck out and tone down their expectations.
  • 3
    Grants rights to existing software to 300 new users, prefect long tail distribution; one person is on there all the time 90% of people logged in once and never again.
  • 1
    @disco that doubling of customer base joke was pretty clever
  • 0
    Can we register?
  • 0
    That's one more than expected.
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