*In a team meeting*

Me: *happily jotting down notes in markdown*

Other guy: "Dude what are you doing? Pay attention."
Me: "Umm... I'm taking notes?"
Other guy: "But why does your MS Word have black background?"
Me (a bit lost): "Umm... That's not Word. That's my text editor."
Other guy: "Alright... But how do you convert your notes into Word then?"
Me: "... I don't."
Other guy: *stares at me*
Me: * stare back*

It was a nice conversation.

  • 131
    pandoc -o out.docx -f markdown -t docx doc.md

    If anyone was wondering
  • 18
    @irene A zipped bunch of xml files indeed
  • 22
    Why was he telling you to pay attention and then having a side conversation about your note taking process?

    Sounds like he's very easily distracted. Better send him a copy of the notes with a .md extension. Don't PDF it---where's the fun in that?
  • 17
    Why do people always think Word is the only program capable of being used as a text document :/
  • 1
    Markdown is awesome!
  • 3
    Other guy just needs a coloring book and some pencils, problem solved 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    Literally had the exact same conversation with people on my FRC team. Then they all came back to me asking questions they forgot from the meeting later
  • 2
    Never let them see you Vim.
  • 1
    Word is how I send images to people. Why would I use it to take notes? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • 1
    Only the good ones will understand our Markdown love ❤️
  • 0
    I've seen people coding in MS Word!
    I mean.. Why.. Why!?!
  • 0
    @shreyansjain33 lol someone really do that?
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