Are there more people here who use Makefiles as a façade for complicated commands? For example, 'make dev.up' executes a long docker-compose command and 'make dev.expose.secrets' activates ansible-vault with some variables. It makes doing stuff easier and makes it so that developers with less shell experience can quickly get going instead of having to use long boring commands.

Each time I try to look up what the actual purpose of a makefile is I get a long list of explanatioms talking about building C programs etc. But it never talks about using it to just put shell commands in one big file with subtargets 🤔

So, my question, any of you guys use a makefile to facilitate a facade too?

  • 1
    I'm doing exactly this
  • 1
    I see the benefit and would like to learn to do that some day. These days some popular languages have their own task runners so Make usage has diminished a little I think.
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