
i cant believe some people still using python2


  • 12
    I can't believe some people are still using Python.
  • 6
    If they could.

    They unfortunately have to, because: Dependencies haven't been updated yet, the software still has to run on an unmodified CentOS / Redhat 7 or older...

    Anyway, I'm glad Python 2's supports will end soon.
  • 4
    Python 2 requires dependencies to be updated before it's feasible to upgrade older projects, otherwise it's now my time to recreate those dependencies in python 3 or 4 when it comes out.

    New projects, sure, you shouldn't be using python 2.
  • 4
    The thing is many old people just made some software for fun and died/left the projects

    So we are stuck here

    Well any new projects shouldn't be made in python2... But here we are
  • 0
    python2 is the reasonable choice on stuff that is critical. Py2 is tried and tested, its less likely to have weird glitches
  • 1
    @BinaryByter did I miss something?

    Is there any glitch shown in python3? Did it get resolved in the next version or not?
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    @gitlog you never know if there are, the longer a platform is used, the more bugs will be fixed. Sure, py3 is better and mostly fone. But if you need as high of a stability as possible, use py2
  • 4
    @BinaryByter i disagree, older doesn't necessarily mean more stable. most active projects run python 3, so python 3 bugs are more likely to be found. furthermore, if you really want stability, you probably want your platform of choice to receive support even after 2020, which is the EOL for python 2.
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    @git-gud this EOL thing is shit, sure. But still, py2 is more tried and tested.
  • 2
    @BinaryByter if it's just about how much it has been used in the past, the most stable language might be C99 or something along those lines - but nobody chooses ancient language versions when they want stability. why? because that is not the only criterium. you want a language that doesn't receive volatile changes, has been tested *and* receives security updates. the first and last point is true for all python 3 versions except the latest. and if you think python 3.7 is too not tested enough (lol), you can just pick an older version like 3.4 or 3.5, which just recently got an update.

    no, apart from that one dependency you absolutely need, there's no reason to use python 2. thankfully.
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    @git-gud Sure, maybe my point is not differentiated enough, py2 is old. Just use py3.1 maybe
  • 3
    You think that's bad? I know corporate systems still running Java 1.2 of all things...
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    @AlmondSauce given that java 8 and java 11 are in some cases not compatible for some applications like Cassandra has problems with jdk11, that's a fuckton of backlog
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    Have some respect
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    @BinaryByter Py3.1 is out of support, too.

    For a list of still supported versions, see: https://devguide.python.org//...
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    "python 3.7 master race"

    ok yes Python 3.7 isn't retarded about bytes-like objects and is more memory efficient and has support for longer ints/floats than INT_MAX

    but like

    XP support

    i write malware for dead systems so

  • 1
    Node Gyp forces you to use py2. It sucks. But node-gyp sucks in all aspects if you use Windows, so..
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