Your rant must be between 6 and 5,000 characters.

  • 17
    Could have just asked the question without a picture lmao
  • 9
    Your answer should be "posting a useless image to fuck up peoples rant to ask a question which could have been asked in a more subtle way"
  • 9
    This isn't Facebook. It's DevRant!
  • 4
    Not saving my best friends life
  • 3
    The life itself.
  • 2
    Not standing up for @sandeepbalan when he posted that image on devRant.
  • 3
    It's ordinary thing - didn't start programming at earlier age
  • 4
    For not saying no to my boss
  • 4
  • 3
    πŸ˜“πŸ˜­πŸ’¦πŸ˜₯πŸ˜“πŸ˜­this question kicked me in a deeper depression

    @Stuxnet yes

    @Codex404 mhm

    @Jilano yea

    @Nerd93 yea

    @Alice exactly this

    @ScribeOfGoD what happened bro

    @Gregozor2121 literally this

    @M1sf3t yea me too

    @ihatecomputers whos that

    @M1sf3t why drop out at 17

    @Zenboj age dont matter if u a genius by default

    @an0th3rhuman what did ur boss ask

    @Root there has to be something
  • 1
    I wasted a lot of time instead of doing this. It's exact reason of regrets. Life is short.
  • 4
    @SukMikeHok There are absolutely things I would change, but nothing I would call regrets. Perhaps if I knew they would have improved my life? but most would not have.

    Coming out to my parents earlier: there would have been yet more abuse.

    Running away from my parents at a younger age
    this could have changed my life significantly, and I probably would not have ended up here.

    Going to Stanford instead of staying near my parents: things might have been better, but they might have been worse; there's no way to tell. I might have actually learned something in college and not have dropped out, but degrees are worthless, so.

    Trying harder to stay in contact with friends after moving around: they stopped talking to me, too, and wouldn't resume the friendship when I tried contacting them again, so. No loss.

    Staying with C instead of picking up web development (eu, php, perl, .net, ruby): I wouldn't have as broad experience as I do now, and probably would have been less happy with my career.

    Staying in game dev instead of moving to web dev: the (continued) epic burnout would have probably killed me, and absolutely killed my career.

    So. While there are things I would try doing differently if given the chance, I don't think I actually have any regrets.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet Chill dude. You know. One day everyones gonna die.
  • 0
    @Alice Thats both stupidest and funniest thing to regreat about .
  • 1
    @ihatecomputers Its allright bud. I have to work tomorrow as well.frigging "SATURDAY". So everything like "Meh"
  • 0
    @Zenboj Technology is changing .So it does not matter when you start. I think its how you go along with it.
  • 1
    @sandeepbalan Damn you escalating shit real quick.

    I'm just pointing out the picture was 100% unnecessary and you're bringing death into the conversation. Oh look more unnecessary shit (jk, jk. Don't get your panties wadded man).

    Whatever you say chief. Next time just put something like "πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”" and there's your six characters. Or even better, tell us YOUR biggest regret.
  • 0
    It's more about enjoy and satisfying of job, than fear of being not on the cutting edge of technology
  • 1
    @Zenboj Ofcourse i understand your point. Just think about this example and let me have your thougts. Once when i was starting my career got to meet a random dev having 5+ years experience in php. He wanted a mentor to learn Laravel. He knows that he is about to get replaced if he is "not on the cuttting edge of the technology".
    Its just a case of a random experienced dev who didnt keep up
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Roger that. Next time get ready for a suprise.

    oh wait. people dont say when there is a surprise. right? Thats the point of surprise i presume.
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