
Flat Earthers -

The Earth is FLAT.

Most People -

The Earth is a SPHERE.

People who overthink -

The Earth is a COMPOUND SHAPE.

My Friend :

The Earth was Flat, before it was proven that the Earth was a sphere.

  • 18
    "Before Newton discovered gravity, people could fly."
  • 3
    In a sense your friend is right, before it was discovered that the Earth was spherical, it was believed to be flat. If you believe something to be true then in your reality it is true. Regarding ghosts, for example: there is no scientific evidence that they exist but some people will say they are real. To them, ghosts exist and that is a fact. Even scientific facts can change with new evidence.
  • 2
    Does it even matter?
  • 8
    Bullshit, the earth isn't real!
    We are in the matrix and everything you know is a lie.
    You are nothing more then a Duracell battery that has somehow gained something known as a conscience, again some other thing all the batteries made up to deal with their impeding dooms of being next on that conveyor belt of energy.
  • 0
    @coffee-dev Sounds even more ridiculous with "invented"
  • 1
    Earth isn't sphere, it's a polyhedron with infinite sides
  • 0
    @PythonTryHard Still, it's way closer to a sphere than to anything disc-like.
  • 2
    Is your friend a lawyer? 😂 Innocent until proven guilty
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