
A few days ago, I thought, "I haven't updated React dependencies since. So, let's do it". Because, its gonna be a new demo app, I just ran "npx create-react-app my-app" and npm start inside the project. Holy cow!! It doesn't even start!!
Its showing this unknown error! So, I googled. but after trying a lot of "Solutions" it still doesn't work. So, I just gave up and thinking, "What about the Frameworks/Libraries build on top of ReactJS? Do the also have the same problem?"
So, I created a NextJS project and you guessed it, The same error exists in the NextJS projects. Then I tried the popular boilerplates created using NextJS ( and React) and Volla! They also contain the same error!

Ugghhh! I thought, tonight I'm gonna play with NextJS a little bit. But unfortunately, because of this React Error, I can't :(

  • 2
    Reinstall babel and/or the webpack toolchain.
    I'm assuming you have them installed globally.

    Should fix it for you.
  • 1
    @Root should be right. If it's been a long time without you doing some web dev, you should probably take a look at babel7. Good luck !

  • 0
    @Root I haven't installed them globally. But still I did reinstall Nodejs, NPM but still the same problem. Though the older version of React still works
  • 0
    Actually, I just wanted to try out NextJS today. I guess, today is not a lucky day...
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