
Can someone suggest me ways to tips to improve competitive coding

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    What kind of competitive? Hackathon? Golf?
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    @IAmAnIssue the kind which involves algorithms,data structures to solve problems
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    Friendly competition with a good friend etc. really helps.
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    Practice practice and more practice.

    Did I mention Practice?
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    @ReHa is this an online thing?

    Oh yes, practice
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    @IAmAnIssue and @Konsole can u suggest me some books or resources
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    @Reha codechef, hackerrank, codeforces
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    There's also CodinGame and CodeWars.
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    Thanks a lot @IAmAnIssue and @Konsole
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    Bring a good team.
    Don't waste too much time on ppt.
    Make a working product no matter how dumb it is.

    Won IIT Mumbai techfest hackathon 2 times with this 😀
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    @Reha Start with hackerrank. Ui of hackerrank is good. And difficulty level of questions is gradually increased.

    Then for live challenges, try codechef. Their 10 day challenge every month is pretty good.

    Then once you are familiar, go for codeforces. It has the most difficult and challenging question set.
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    @Konsole thanks a lot
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