I need to find a remote job... or want to... had been thinking about the benefits re: annoying coworkers, however I'm teleworking today and realize another pro: cat pair programming ;-) and con: readily available snacks. Hm...

  • 0
    Unless my coworkers are better than me and no teamwork, yeah, maybe remote worked
  • 2
    I'd probably die of loneliness
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    Other pros - no travel / commute time, ability to work all day in pj's if you want, can actually get stuff done around the house in your lunch break, can generally schedule catchups at a time that suits you etc.

    Cons however - you miss out on the great coworkers as well as the annoying ones, can't as easily bounce ideas off your colleague opposite, often harder to build a good rapport working remotely, may be passed by when promotions come around in favour of colleagues that are physically present, may find it easier to carry on working late / do more hours / harder to switch off if your home is always your workplace.

    It's great for some, but not utopia - worth carefully considering.
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