This person has been sending emails like this. What's your favorite way to deal with this stuff?

  • 4
    I've heard there's a great website called mailbait.info...
  • 8
    Use a bot to send him back thousands of emails from different sources until he decides to fuck off.
  • 14
    >sender used gmail account
    Google Calendar invite to suck your dick.
  • 17
    Sign him up for porn, lots of porn, all the porn.

    Make a website that publicly posts his emails. Ridicule him on it.
  • 3
    This person used to have a different email address, but I reported them to google for abuse. Maybe they got their email taken away - because this is a new one. I decided to just put the email address in spam - and not deal with it / but I wanted to know what ya'll would do. I don't want to egg them on.
  • 3
    @Root you are true evil.
  • 2
  • 3

    Whatever you do, it will only cost your time and effort.
  • 1
    Forward them to his boss.
  • 1
    Seems like he’s keen on you...

    Oh and do what @root said. 👌🏼
  • 2
    Porn and bible newsletters
    Confuse the fuck out of him
  • 0
    @snaz I can't be sure, but the first email I got like this - was right after I stopped paying for evoice. I wrote them and said I wanted my info removed and to be cleared from their system because their login was directing to other sites. I can't be 100% sure, but I feel like they work for them - and maybe my email made them look bad.
  • 0
    "no u"
    Just take it as a joke really, because either the guy sending this is joking either he is the joke
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