
Show up on time.

Be prepared.

Have a list of things that need to be covered if you're leading the meeting.

Stay on track, don't let people start talking out of one tangent, I tend to suggest people discuss it afterwards or email about it.

Take the meeting seriously, otherwise other people will not.

Know how to talk a language everyone understands. Sometimes people with key info just aren't very technical.

Following Ely's golden rules for meetings, my meetings are rarely longer than 20 minutes.

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    @Frederick working with friends is hard for this exact reason. I'd be wary of the tone getting too casual. Either make an agreement to keep it professional when working on the project or find people you aren't close with next time 😅
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    @Elyz I absolutely agree, learnt that the hard way in uni. Now I draw a line between "professional" and friendly interaction, you can get a bit chill and casual in pro environments too (I try to put little bits of humour here and there) but the seriousness must be there.
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    @RememberMe oh Yeah for sure. It's more fun for everyone if there's a bit of banter and fun, but I think it's important to stay on track and do what needs to get done first. Everything in moderation.
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    You forgot make everyone stand until the meeting is over?

    Also reduce the number of ppl invited... You don't need everyone.

    Actually since I'm deaf and ppl don't like me using a translator, I don't goto meetings. I just get the summary from either went in my place.

    Works most of the time unless I have a specific question... Then I need to email whoever was the other attendee.

    Then again in terms of total man hours... It's still more efficient
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    @billgates I 100% believe that 99% of the meetings I go to could've been an email. Helps people not waste my time when I'm only available once per week so they can't just book me whenever. When meetings are needed I tend to make sure we're 4 people max and then make it as quick as possible.
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