
Which IDE are you guys using to code in python ?

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    @sergiolarosa89 I see. I am just starting out with python.And as a web dev i am very confortable with vscode. would you recommend vscode for coding in python ?
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    PyCharm, Jupyter Notebooks and VS Code.

    If I'm playing with data, then Jupyter.
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    Also Pycharm, works like... ehm, a charm?
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    I just use vscode tbh for most stuff it's super versatile but then I haven't worked on that big boi a project
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    PyCharm if I have a choice.

    Am currently forced to use eclipse with pydev. Even though eclipse is actually my favorite java IDE ( Yeah, bring the hate guys) but doing Python with it is pure torture.
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    Jetbrains makes great IDEs so you’re good to go with PyCharm, I’ve been using PHPStorm and nothing beats it when it comes to debugging and code recovery.
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    thank you all for your suggestions . So ultimately i think i will work with pycharm as most of you are already using it 💻
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