
May or may not have just spent 10 minutes trying to troubleshoot why my terminal couldn't find nano only to realise I'm on a windows PC after every other command i tried failed...

I'm out of my comfort zone, send flannelette and help!

  • 1
    And apparently Termux doesn't come with nano by default...
  • 0
    Open cmd
    > bash
    > sudo apt install nano
    > cd /mnt/c/path/to/dir
    > sudo nano file.ext

    🤷‍♂️nano on windows.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Its windows server 2012 R2 my dude, no WSL
  • 1
    @lxmcf you said pc not server.
    Why would you be... no I don't want to know.
  • 1
    @C0D4 it is a server er just use remote desktop to access them at work :-P
  • 0
    Try cmder
  • 1
    > server
    > windows

    Huh. I've seen it. I've used it. I've been the domain administrator for it. But I've never understood it.
  • 1
    @Root no one understands it .-.
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