I think I fell in love with JetBrains...

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    Well, when it comes to IDEs you prolly won't find better, tho I don't really like DataGrip. I use some of their team tools such as hub, teamcity youtrack which all works fine in docker 👌
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    Jetbrains just frickin know what I need from an IDE.
  • 3
    JetBrains products are the best!

    DataGrip is hands down the best SQL client I have used during my schooling and career thus far.
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    I am a simple man, I see Brave and JetBrains, I ++
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    Now DataGrip is a useful tool, not like old days
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    When you have all the gems
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    Is JetBrains worth the money though? I'd much prefer an open source alternative (or at the very least, freeware).
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    @NonImportant- To tell you the truth, when I have a small screen with me (on the go) I prefer vim with plugins and gdb and other stuff, but when I have a big screen with me (at home or at the office) I'd prefer the IDE's since they organize nicely a lot of functionality in just one place plus they have some extra nice features. As for why JetBrains, the reason is that it is a complete ecosystem so I don't need to memorize like 10 different ways of setting up an environment for example (I might be getting old though). And after trying many other IDE's, this is the one that improved more my productivity.
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    Installed IntelliJ and Webstorm? As far as I know, IntelliJ includes Webstorm and I think also PyCharm via Plugins, at least IntelliJ Ultimate does.
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    @Lyniven two words - Visual Studio.
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