I'm so used to rss right now, I figured I would create a rss feed for top feeds from devrant.

Here's the unofficial devrant rss feed (based off Skayo's unofficial devRant api):


Just add this link to your rss reader (I'm using feedly) and it should be recognized instantly. Each feed will have the name of the ranter, rant, image, tags and user profile. I'm running this in free tier of Heroku. Feel free to use it.

You can find the source code here: https://github.com/Ullas-Aithal/...

It's a Node.JS script. There's a herokuBuild branch which it's heroku ready.

What do you guys think? Any comments, suggestions?

  • 1
    I think sonethings wrong with the Content-Type header or encoding since my browser doesn't detect it as XML. But that's probably really minor problem.
  • 3
    Damn, RSS?! That's a blast from the past.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce Not really. It's quite a common thing still.
  • 3
    @kescherRant Not really. It's still used, but users are a drop in the ocean compared to what they were.
  • 1
    @joas, i think the header type is of rss. Couple of rss readers failed to recognize the rss if the header was xml
  • 1
    Oh, ok. So it seems that there's a mess with the Content-Type with feeds that I haven't known before. The function specific types like application/rss+xml aren't actually representing the file format (the known way), but instead the structure and usecase. Cool, but off-topic since it works fine with feed readers.

    I just checked the feed with validator and there's a problem with the self reference (channel > atom:link). https://validator.w3.org/feed/...
  • 1
    @joas, ah! Nice catch. I'll fix it as soon I get off work. Thanks!
  • 0
    @ewpratten Oh! I didn't know there's an official api
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