
True Story

I just finished a project, it was a rewrite, the original used the zend framework about 7 years ago. It took a team of programmers (I think 4) to code the site, and it took them about a month.

Just me, and Laravel, took me 3 weeks to do the exact same thing. Ok, I didn't have to create any content, so I'll give them that, still, there wasn't much to create.

Should I be applauding my genius? Or, Laravel's magic?

I'll say... both.

  • 3
    Laravel is really fast to develop in, but it’s a god damn mess to maintain. I loved Laravel before I had to had some functionality to a 3 year old Laravel project. Now I’d rather shoot myself than developing in Laravel again
  • 2
    @devs with 10 lines max per fcn and lots of mini controllers?

    I'm finding my other project with Laravel pretty easy to maintain... everything is near English and makes sense. not saying you writing bad code but I'm just curious was it a version issue as level 4 to level 5 is a big difference

    I want to avoid the same mistakes...
  • 1
    @rant1ng wasn’t my project. The original developers of the project made a horrible mess
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