  • 4
    "This is why I love JS"

    Well that is a declarative statement.
  • 3
    This certainly looks cool but it's also not readable
  • 2
  • 2
    Wow, that is absolutely unreadable.
  • 3
    Also isn't the outer most spread (if that even is the spread operator) even necessary? You create an array, sort it and then put it's contents into another array
  • 1
    That looks like a rat nest full of bugs. If that's react, you shouldn't be patching state that way.

    Use setState(callback (state)))
  • 1
    Destructuring and spreads are way over used nowadays.
  • 0
    @watzon agreed, I see people destructing everything in react, just because; when all they need is something like ‘this.props.content’. Why make it two lines?
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