I am feeling useless. I was searching for a bug for 5 hours just to fix it in 5 seconds.

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    did you go out for a walk?
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    The 20/80 rule at work :D

    Still tho, the actual fix did in fact take 5 hours, just actually executing the fix took 5 seconds
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    @heyheni actually yes
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    Kind of like me with parking sensors.. Except it took me 2 weeks and 20€. And the fix was literally just poking a single wire with a finger. Took me that long to figure out 2 things:
    1. That I need to poke a wire
    2. Which wire I need to poke

    that's how we gain xp :) next time you will save someone 5 hours of headache!
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    @netikras Is it the red wire, or the blue wire? You have 5 sec...days to answer.
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    It happened to me too last week. Had the bug for about one week and I eventually asked my colleague to see if he could find it, it took him about one hour and it turned out I just forgot a = in an if-statement which led to assignment instead of comparison. It is often those bugs that are the most hard to find and the most irritating when you find the cause of the bug.
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    Preparation is usually longer than execution.
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    Aren't most of the bugs, long time to analyse and very short time to fix?
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    Fixing the bug: $5

    Know where is the bug to fix: $50000000000
  • 1
    That is life!
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