
Excuse me what the fuck

  • 8
  • 6
    yep, has been around for a week or two now, Google it up haha
  • 7
    Seems legit.. enjoy that new iPhone 🤣
  • 5
    Everything was 'normal' until I realize... it was a fucking calendar notification lmaaaaooo what the heck
  • 2
    Open the link 🤣
  • 3
    I have similar issue. Just uncheck in calendar settings an auto add from gmail to calendar option.
  • 4
    It's adding stuff automatically from Gmail, a "useful"feature. Just disable it.
  • 7
    @RememberMe it is good feature, however event from spam category should not be added.
  • 1
    Got the same shit today. Fuck
  • 1
    Same thing happened with me today morning.
  • 3
    @RememberMe it really is a useful feature lol

    I bought concert tickets like 3 or 4 months before the concert actually happened, and whenever I got the confirmation email, it added the concert to my calendar, which is helpful considering the amount of time between whenever I purchased them and whenever the concert actually was
  • 1
    @Stuxnet I agree it's useful in cases like that, but considering the small value added by it minus the big loss in value from spam... I'll keep it off for now, till they manage to block stuff a bit more reliably.

    I don't mind having services that are useful but I do mind getting spammed, especially in places like the Calendar which I like keeping clean and organised.
  • 1
    I've been getting russian calendar invites lately.
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