One of my UUID's contains the string 'f00bar'. Haha. What are the odds?

  • 0
    So cool!
  • 1
    Waiting for someone to post the odds. Where are you my Einstein?
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    @EaZyCode I won't even bother double checking it 😂. I'll take your calculation.
  • 2
    Bro, u are reading your uuid !
    U need vacatation !
  • 0
    @EaZyCode sorry if this seems obvious but could you please elaborate on how you made those calculations. My understanding of uuids means that there are only 3 possible n-grams if the word is without "-"

    Also aren't the odds defined by where its possible to happen rather than the entire domain of all possibilities, i.e the full 128 bit uuid shouldn't be taken into account because the string isn't possible in all places.
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    @devapsarl You bet I do. I'm overworked.
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