Where I work, this is something that happens daily because manager (non-programming MBA) want everything now without proper design and architecture.

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    Well that’s what I got fired for, cause they don’t want that
  • 10
    You need to be a better developer. You're not a rockstar unless you can do everything I want and need.

  • 9
    I always miss my deadlines because i procrastinate by cleaning and refactoring code.
  • 1
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    Tis a joke!
  • 1
    @Oktokolo yes exactly i feel you
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    @mohsencoder it's not your fault
  • 2
    Man, seriously the same thing in my organization, but most of the time I ignore what he say, and do what is right . I don't give them option of crying with their wisdom 😂
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    @balvinder294 in my work place situation is different. Developers work for making money and just pass the time. They are writing shit code . I have seen jwt function in an angular app which is written in every service file. I told about it to team lead and he said you too just do it this way, we don't have time. I am shocked. This place is a hot mess.
  • 1
    @AngryDev9981 hahah. We are together in this bro, like the mobile dev will do some wrong code, but the team will say yeah do that way.
    Most of the time he is sending the wrong values and saying APIs failing.
    Hahah poor both of us...

    But for yours I am too very shocked 😂
  • 0
    I hope the practice of putting non IT literate people to an IT management position go f themselves in the future. Seen a Dept run by such person and the environment and mood of the team is toxic.
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