
So I found myself in a situation where I scored 50% on Turing test. How can I be sure that I am human?

For the reference:

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    Tell me this:

    You’re watching television. Suddenly you realize there’s a wasp crawling on your arm.

    What do you do?
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    Cut yourself. If your don't drop packets you're human.
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    What evidence is there that the brain is even turing complete? Seriously, can anyone compute half the shit a computer can?
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    I tried to fail it, and still got 68%
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    A human is not a Turing machine, it doesn't even have known states, to begin with. Also, there is not a known procedure that the brain follows, a turning machine has to have instructions (A program). It's even wrong to compare the parallel complexity of our brain to a machine.
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    The Turing Test has nothing to do with a Turing Machine, other than they were both invented by Alan Turing.
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    You can't be sure to be human as you can't verify, that your IO isn't simulated.

    But the real question is: For what decision does it matter whether you are human or not?
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    @N00bPancakes I don't watch television, it's waste of time. In case I would be with friends in front of television, I would remain silent and watch the wasp from time to time. It has no motivation to harm me. I would remain suspicious and if the wasp behaves oddly, I would instantly destroy it. It's probably device from future sent by my enemies.
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    @-red Ofc, that's difficult question. I would argue that instead of trying to craft perfect definition of 'human', I will cheat a little. If the Turing test is correct and reliable and I pass I am human and if I don't then I am machine.
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    @N00bPancakes Underrated comment
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    @N00bPancakes This sounds like one of those choose your own adventures books.
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    @Demolishun It's a question from the Voight-Kampf test, used to identify androids.
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    I suppose I failed the wasp test
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    @detrin We don't know. The test results are calculated from bodily responses to the notion of the wasp, and you're only required to answer to get you more immersed in the situation. At least that's how the protagonist explains the test to someone he doesn't trust.
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    Arguably, the Voight-Kampf empathy test isn't just a means to tell humans from androids. It's a way to identify acceptable objects of empathy, as anything that passes the test is capable of reciprocating it.
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