The formatting was terrible, so I just took a screenshot instead. XD

  • 4
    I swear the formatting wasn't that awful when I wrote it.
  • 0
    Hbd... And what language is that?
  • 0
    @frogstair Right?!
  • 1
    Tab width: 16
  • 1
    happy b-day!

    When you think that today yet another baby is born that you'll meet 20 years later... [s]he'll be an IT student doing an internship in your company, bugging 50yo you all day long, posing to know it better,... even though you've been playing with "3d-printed SAVE icons \s" since you were a child.

    Grow old and happy!
  • 0
    Happy Birthday.
  • 0
    @2Large I'm afraid you'll probably have to ask someone else for that piece of advice. I only really started learning computer science in 2018, so I would only be able to offer the advice of someone a few years in. :)
  • 1
  • 0
    What the fuck
  • 1
    @GiddyNaya @netikras @2Large @C0D4

    Belated thanks for the birthday wishes! (Realized I forgot to say, like a total jerk)
  • 0
    Does somebody know how to get current year in Go? ๐Ÿ˜‡
  • 1
    @themissingbrace Recommend looking into the time package.
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