
Why tf yall trashing w3schools and praising mdn? When I forget the syntax I just ignore the mdn and go straight to w3schools, the information there is more condensed, more like a cheatsheet. Also their online editor is far quicker than any codepen hipster garbage you endorse

If I need spec I visit the fucking spec, not mdn

  • 6
    I generally prefer mdn because their information seems more detailed and complete, and their site design is a bit prettier. But I'm not religious about it, if I need some quick information in a cheatsheet style I'll go to w3schools, it has less text and goes directly to the point.
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    I find w3schools very cluttered and unreadable, lacking good examples.
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    W3schools in addition to being non-authoritative and cursory in its information, is also littered with ads and tracking. Mdn only uses limited Google analytics.
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    @SortOfTested oh, I use heavy adblocking and analytics suppression. Maybe that’s true, w3schools suck then
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    w3schools is fine, now.

    Half its bad reputation comes from a times when it actually had bad information on it.

    Since then they've rid themselves of the bad data and information wise it is fine.

    In my experience, w3 provided me more in the way of surface level 'how to do thing' examples, and there's a place for that.

    When I was learning I would hit w3 and MDN and would find w3 more helpful if I was just trying to figure it out for the first time.

    MDN is more like the dictionary where you're going to get more specific "technical" data, but that isn't always what you're looking for...

    MDN has improved in its examples too, not everywhere, but they provide more / multiple examples that trend toward actual usage now than they used to.

    MDN used to be a lot of "It takes these arguments and returns and array, this message ends now!" and they've gotten a lot better about that.

    Nothing wrong with referencing either, or both.
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    I just google and I don't care which one shows first
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    @NoToJavaScript true madlad right there. Once there was a postmodernist who wanted to eat nutella but only had mustard so he wrote “nutella” on a can of mustard and eaten nutella
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    @uyouthe Ok, i’ll expand a bit :
    If I’m looking to just copy/paste some stuf (yes sometimes it’s faster to google than to write 11 line of code) I really don’t care if it’s stack, mdn, w3schools, some rando blog.

    If I want to understand HOW this line works, I’ll probably go to MDN, they tend to have more text.

    But who carres how it works as long as it works ?

    Same thing as I don’t care how my freezer doesn’t have frozen ice parts (Like in my young days, we used to “defreeze:” the freezer every month or so) as long as it works.
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    @NoToJavaScript I wasn’t bashing you, your approach is perfect, I do things just the same except for I go to either OGs or the spec when I need to understand something
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    @uyouthe Oh no, I didn’t get “bashed”, just wanted to add some explanation!
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    @NoToJavaScript I pushed it even further. I don’t use google or duckduckgo. I use google images as a default search engine
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    @uyouthe Yeah but how you copy paste code from image ? Is your OCR software so good ?
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    @NoToJavaScript I was concerned too but there are so many buts (semicolons, vars but not consts, indentation, naming, etc) and my deep learning autocomplete (TabNine) is so good that there is no need to copy and paste. My company also doesn’t use prettier.
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    I tend to swim between both, you know, w3 when i want a quick hack and mdn when i actually want to know how shit works
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    I didn't know we were bashing w3s here... O.o

    Not sure about the adds thing, I'll have to check later..but if someone asks how to start programming I tell them to check it out.

    It has very basic stuff explained nicely & adequately IMHO, and the js editor or whatever it's called is cool and easy to use..
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    You can also search for AdSense and find all manner of noise present.
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    The only times I’ve used it is for reminders of HTML/CSS, but I try to stay away from the programming languages since they typically don’t have that good of resources on them. (Atleast in MY experience)
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    @Bubbles group 1 member spotted
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    @SortOfTested But isn't this true for most websites?

    I mean today even simplest 'hey, look at my portfolio n such' pages have google analytics embedded.. not sure why though.. O.o
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    Not really relevant. The context here is "why mdn vs w3schools."
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