
I slept on my phone.

Like, physically ON my phone.

Now I'm worried it might be broken in ways I haven't noticed yet... 🤦🏻‍♀️

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    Not really, housing and components of phones have a very good resistance. The flaw is almost always the screen. So if the screen is ok, the phone should be to
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    All that broken phones but you broke my heart
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    @Jilano oh, so that's why I slept with the back of my shoulders on it. Next time, just buy me a session with a masseur. 😛
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    Dropped mine on the floor in the bathroom a few days ago and destroyed the screen.

    You're doing better than I am ;)
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    How did you slept on your phone? I am curious. Do you lay on top of your phone or do you use it as a pillow?
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    @mr-user I legit have no idea how it ended up there...
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    I am just wondering whether you are the same as me. I sometime fall asleep while reading on my phone.

    The next thing I know the sun have rise , birds are singing and the phone is under me and I am sleeping on top of it.
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    @mr-user lol imagine having an iPhone X and dropping it on your face while falling asleep and that stainless steel heavy af frame just fucking breaks your front teeth

    Now imagine that but with red hydrogen one
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    @mr-user I dropped my X yesterday and it fucking broke old plaster and paint on the wall and left a dent on the parquet but got not a single scratch on its metal frame
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    @uyouthe What is the damage to the screen? No damage?
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    @mr-user absolutely no damage. I realize tho that every drop is different and it’s all about luck
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    @nomad I think most phones have a decent build quality. I remember I used to put my old moto x first gen on my pant's back pocket(butt) and I rode public transport(sitting) on 1 hour trip 5 days a week for 3 years, that old moto x is still kicking.

    Unless you have that infamous iphone 6 plus or xperia z3(which I had and bent just for existing).
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    @JhonDoe I dropped my Moto Defy+ of a 150m cliff during mountain climbing, landing on rocks, and it was OK. Granted, that phone was built for exactly that purpose, but still.

    There was a time window where phones became fragile. About 7 years ago or so, suddenly all brands dropped IP specs, discontinued "rugged" models, and got easy-to-shatter glass displays.

    But the last 2-3 years things are picking up again in terms of (display) durability and IP specs, I think customers got pretty sick of slippery phones and trips to screen repair shops.
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