
What usually you do on weekends? Mine learning new language

  • 6
    cool, meatspace language or cyberspace language?
  • 4
    One day playing board games. The other day doing little to nothing or playing video games.
  • 5
    Laying in bed and being sick.
  • 6
    Going outside, enjoying life.
    Just joking, laying in bed contemplating life decisions.
  • 4
    Building my own on-premises universe
  • 8
    crying, sleeping, non-regular work
  • 7
    I like being dead on weekends
  • 3
    Sleep and long naps
  • 3
    Anything but coding. Except when I have to study some new tech, then I procrastinate as much as possible before studying for a couple of hours.
  • 2
    @rutee07 Very wholesome
  • 1
    Learning the new language extends the borders and your vision. Because of the huge workload at college, it is really hard for me to manage the research papers effectively, so I discovered https://studyclerk.com/pay-for-rese... website that offers help. I think that I will be able to spend more time learning languages and working instead of endless studying.
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