
Wtf is up with these fucking web devs, like I ask a simple fucking question, and its like I'm being interrogated for my inability to know everything at any given time...

Like I get it kyle, the only thing you hide better than your virginity is your code...

Fuck these bitter devs

  • 3
    Sorry, we don't let just anyone in.
  • 0
    Kyle who?
  • 2
    @N00bPancakes indeed yes this is truly the peak of himan intullect and only the finest specimens are allowed
  • 0
    @asgs playerholder name
  • 1
    @Nets did you ask them how to center text?
  • 2
    @Stuxnet, I think he is one of us
  • 0
    @asgs I wish I did at this point
  • 4
    @N00bPancakes infact at this point I wish I asked how big a firewall needs to be inorder to protect me from nord vpn ads...
  • 2
    Lots of impostor syndrome in the webshit circles.
  • 0
    Webdevs come in many breads, the greyer the beard the... well you experienced the problem first hand 😅

    Also, for context, what's the simple question?
  • 0
    @Nets Quite.


    - adjusts monocle -
  • 2
    @AleCx04 lmfao yes. This place needs more of us anyways
  • 6
    @SortOfTested my problem with imposter syndrome is it implies you're good and some of the ppl that be like "omg I have such bad imposter syndrome" actually just suck at coding lmao

    It's kinda like people self diagnosing depression when in reality they're just sad and will be fine in a few days.
  • 3
    @N00bPancakes to web development? it ain't like shit is the highest form of software development 🥴 not actually rocket science ain't it? why, you don't even need a degree in most places for this sort of thing
  • 0
    @Stuxnet people are terrible at self diagnosis, they're only slightly less terrible at diagnosing others ;)
  • 3
    Imposter syndrome is a low key lack of confidence based on some perceived defect, and always because you cut a corner. People who say they have it are just being histrionic.

    Some people cover their lack of confidence with bombastic defense of their ignorance.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested you just described 95% of devrant and at the same time explained why i hate devs so much even though i am one
  • 0
    @N00bPancakes which would mean that his assertion is more legit. 10/10
  • 5
    Is this problem webdev-specific though? You’re just being stacksist
  • 0
  • 1
    This sounds like general human behavior, but this Kyle no doubt has grown a mustache and is driving a Fiat 500.
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